How to do cross stitch?

1. Each Cross Stitch design drawing has numbers and symbols mark. Each number or symbol corresponds to the specific dmc color embroidery thread, and the embroidery threadis extracted according to the number and symbol to embroider. There is a stitch labelde scription on the design drawing. Please complete the exquisite cross stitch project strictly according to
there quirements.

Note:The symbols on the design drawings do not represent the embroidery method, and the color of the symbols is not the true color of the embroidery thread. Please be sure to find the embroidery thread of the corresponding color according to the numbers or symbols on the design drawing smark.


2. Fold the fabric in half by its length, then find and mark the center point of the fabric. Start the first stitch at the center point with the corresponding thread. Each block on the chart represents one cross. All stitches should be sewnin the same direction.

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